Seminar Series April 2021

How the frontline domestic and family violence workforce in Australia kept connected to their clients and each other through the pandemic

Presented by Patricia Cullen, School of Population Health, UNSW

 Wednesday 14 April 2021



The UNSW Australian Human Rights Institute has released this practitioners report with the School of Population Health, funded under UNSW’s Rapid Research Initiative. The report is the result of a nation-wide study of the experiences of frontline DFV practitioners in Australia during the early months of COVID-19. The study explores the perceived impacts of COVID-19 on clients, service adaptations and innovations, and the challenges faced by frontline staff. Our seminar presented key findings and recommendations from the report drawn on insights gained from interviews with 50 practitioners from DFV services between July and October 2020.

Read the full report


Dr Patricia Cullen is a National Health and Medical Research Council Early Career Fellow in the School of Population Health at UNSW, and an Honorary Fellow at The George Institute and Ngarruwan Ngadju, First Peoples Health and Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Wollongong. Patricia’s research centres on integrating trauma-informed care and improving the health of women and young people experiencing violence in their relationships. With colleagues, Patricia is exploring the sex and gender dimensions of COVID-19 on women’s health, and leading research investigating the intersection of COVID-19 and domestic and family violence in Australia



For any queries please contact the Foundation Coordinator, Chloe Wyatt, 0405 256756 or


Hosted by Women’s Legal Service NSW

Our monthly talks provide opportunity to exchange ideas, inform change and share research. Each month we discuss the latest developments in legal issues that directly impact women and children.

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