Human Rights and Advocacy
This is project aims to provide women with the skills and the opportunity to document conditions in Bourke, Brewarrina and Walgett through a Human Rights framework.
Using a community development approach, WLS is building the capacity of Aboriginal women to advocate for law and policy reform.
Following community consultations, IWLP and local women worked with a film crew to document the project and develop a resource for the community to lobby for change and improvement.
1. Bourke
2. Self Determination in Brewarrina
3. The Sexual Assault Process in Brewarrina
4. Racism Poem
As a result of the project WLS hopes to improve the human rights position of Aboriginal women in Bourke, Walgett and Brewarrina by improving services to the local communities. The project hopes to influence government in addressing issues around human rights for Aboriginal women, including by meeting with government officials and/or politicians to advocate for human rights improvements in the region.
From this project WLS has opened new legal cases for individual women and has helped make changes for women who were fighting for self determination. A report and a DVD have been developed for the community to use in their lobbying process.
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