Client Feedback

What to do if you are unhappy with our service

What are my rights as a client or user of the legal centre?

  • You have the right to complain or express concern about the centre’s services without embarrassment and without fear.
  • You have the right to have your complaints dealt with fairly and promptly.
  • You have the right to be represented by an advocate of your choice.
  • You have the right to be informed about what services are available.

What do I do if I have a complaint?

If you feel that your rights are not being respected or if you have any other complaint about the service you are receiving you can either:

  1. Discuss your concerns with the staff member concerned – this may lead to a quick resolution, or
  2. If you feel uncomfortable about talking to the member of staff concerned or if you are unhappy with the results, you may follow the steps at the end of this pamphlet.

What do I do if I need help to make a complaint?

If you need the assistance of an interpreter, you may ask the Executive Officer to arrange this for you, or you may contact the Executive Officer through the Telephone Interpreter Service on telephone 131 450.

You may wish to be represented by another person such as a friend or family member. If so, ask that person to help you follow the steps outlined in this pamphlet.

Remember …all clients have the opportunity to complain about the services provided by the centre.

What about my privacy?

You have the right to privacy and confidentiality.

Information about your complaint will not be given to anyone except the persons appointed to deal with your complaint.

How do I make a formal complaint?


Write to the Principal Solicitor or Executive Officer (address on the back of this pamphlet) giving your name, contact address and the details of your complaint. If you are unable to write a letter, you can ask to talk to the Principal Solicitor or Executive Officer of the Centre.

Step 2:

The Principal Solicitor or Executive Officer will deal with your complaint by:

  1. Reading your written complaint, and/or talking to you or your representative.
  2. Reviewing any relevant file or written records kept by the centre
  3. Talking to the staff member(s) concerned
Step 3:

You will receive a response from the Principal Solicitor or Executive Officer outlining the results of their investigation. This will let you know whether any action has been taken as a result of your complaint and, if not, why not.

Step 4:

If you are not satisfied by the action taken by the Principal Solicitor or Executive Officer, you may complain to the chairperson of the board of the legal centre or to one of the following organisations:

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