Volunteer with WLS NSW
“Volunteering at Women’s Legal Service NSW has been an incredibly valuable and varied experience that has opened my eyes to the broad range of gendered legal issues affecting women across NSW” – Belinda, PLT student.
Women’s Legal Service (WLS) has a proud 40+ year history of providing free legal services to women across NSW. WLS brings a feminist philosophy to its work which includes a deep understanding of the gendered nature of violence against women and the value of accessible information and advice about the law to empower women to make safe choices about their legal options.
WLS NSW offers opportunities for students to volunteer.
Apply to volunteer
There are no opportunities for volunteer solicitors at this time.
We have closed our evening advice service as we do not currently have the resources to operate it effectively. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Student volunteer placements with WLS NSW
WLS NSW offers opportunities for students to volunteer. Applicants will usually:
- Be undertaking Practical Legal Training; or
- Have completed at least two years of a law or other relevant qualification, or
- Be undertaking a ‘practicing in the public interest’ or similar course.
If you wish to be considered for a volunteer placement at WLS NSW please apply in writing addressing the selection criteria (see below) and attaching your resume.
Selection criteria for Practical Legal Training placement
- Eligible to complete practical legal training.
- Willingness to commit to working a minimum of two days per week for at least six months.
- Understanding of social justice issues for women, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and those experiencing economic, social and cultural disadvantage and lack of access to legal services.
- Understanding of cross cultural issues for women, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault or family break down.
- Understanding of areas of law relevant to the work of Women’s Legal Service NSW, including domestic violence, sexual assault, family law and discrimination.
- High level oral and written communication skills.
- Ability to work in an electronic environment including the use of word processing, email and web browsing tools.
Applications can be addressed to:
Executive Officer, Women’s Legal Service NSW
Selection criteria for other applicants:
- Understanding of social justice issues for women, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and those experiencing economic, social and cultural disadvantage and lack of access to legal services.
- Understanding of cross cultural issues for women, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault or family break down.
- Understanding of areas of law relevant to the work of Women’s Legal Service NSW, including domestic violence, sexual assault, family law and discrimination.
- High level oral and written communication skills.
- Ability to work in an electronic environment including the use of word processing, email and web browsing tools.
Please forward a copy of your resume to:
Executive Officer, Women’s Legal Service NSW
Thank you for your interest in Women’s Legal Service NSW.
Keep in touch