Vision and Values
To achieve access to justice and a just legal system for all women in NSW, as all women have the right to live free from violence, injustice, inequality and discrimination.
Women’s Legal Service NSW holds these values as the basis for delivery of programs and services to achieve its purpose:
- Quality of Service: Resources will be used efficiently and effectively, striving for excellence in management, staff, service delivery and accountability to clients and funding bodies.
- Priority: Priority will be given to programs addressing violence against women with services directed to women most disadvantaged in their access to justice.
- Broad Agenda: Women’s Legal Service NSW will seek broad solutions to legal issues through the identification of structural inequalities in the legal system, which limits the lives of women.
- Access and Equity: Women’s Legal Service NSW will work to ensure all women have access to programs regardless of age, race, ethnic origin, political or religious beliefs, disability or disadvantage. Where there are competing demands on the resources of Women’s Legal Service NSW, priority will go to the women most disadvantaged in their access to justice.
- Empowerment: Women’s Legal Service NSW will work with women in ways which assist them to move to self determination through being better informed of their legal rights and responsibilities and the resources available.
- Independence: Women’s Legal Service NSW is a non-aligned organisation, is independent of Government and private services in the area of justice and is responsible to women in NSW.
- Complementarity and Cooperation: Women’s Legal Service NSW will work to complement the work of other effective legal and women’s service providers and will make use of other opportunities for co-operative ventures with them.
- Respect: Women’s Legal Service NSW will work and will offer services and programs in ways that are respectful of the dignity, safety and integrity of clients, management and staff.
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