Subpoena Survival Guide
September 2016
Women’s Legal Service NSW and the Sexual Assault Communications Privilege Service at Legal Aid NSW has published the Subpoena Survival Guide to assist counsellors and other professionals by explaining what to do when a court wants confidential client information.
This guide summarises the current law and discusses the practical implications for how counsellors and other professionals can protect client confidentiality in NSW.
Dealing with a subpoena or other formal request for client records is confronting. Many people feel that they have to release whatever documents they have been asked for. This is a common mistake.
This guide will help you know what to do. It explains how to:
- keep good case notes and records;
- respond to subpoenas;
- protect your clients’ right to privacy;
- meet your legal obligations; and
- find out where you and your client can go for legal help.
Read online on the Subpoena Survival Guide webpage
Download PDF: Subpoena Survival Guide
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